Converting CellML
\n\nAuthor: Edward Vigmond edward.vigmond@u-bordeaux.fr\n\ <h2 id=\"converting-from-cellml\">Converting from CellML\n<h2 id=\"intro\"\
CellML is a markup language for describing, amongst other things,\ \ ionic models. Many models are published and availmable from the <a href=\"https://models.cellml.org/electrophysiology\"\ CellML Model Repository. However, this format can only be processed by a machine.\ \ CARPentry uses its own MarkUp Language called EasyML.
\n<h2 id=\"the-script\"\ The Script\nConversion of a CellML file is performed using the
\ \ script:\n\usage: cellml_converter.py [-h] [--Vm VM] [--Istim ISTIM]\ \ [--out OUT]\n [--trace-all] [--plugin] [--params]\n\ \ [--keep-redundant]\n CMLfile\n\ \nConvert CellML 1.0 to model format\n\npositional arguments:\n CMLfile \ \ CellML file\n\noptional arguments:\n -h, --help show this help message\ \ and exit\n --Vm VM transmembrane voltage variable [V]\n --Istim ISTIM\ \ stimulus current variable [i_Stim]\n --out OUT output file\n --trace-all\ \ trace all variables\n --plugin is a plug-in, not a whole cell\ \ model\n --params parameterize all constants\n --keep-redundant keep\ \ redundant differential expressions, eg alpha, beta\n and diff)
The flags mean the following