\n<h2 id=\"em-tissue-coupling-tutorial\">Electro-mechanical coupling at the\
\ tissue scale\n
This tutorial elucidates the setting up of electro-mechanically\ \ coupled tisue simulations. As an example we use a simpliefied model of a left\ \ ventricular wedge preparation. For the sake of computational efficiency the apico-basal\ \ and circumferential dimension of the wedge are chosen by default to be small and\ \ the resolution of the model is coarse. As in the matching single cell stretcher\ \ experiment the same EP models (TT2, GPB) and stress models (TanhStress, LandStress,\ \ GPB-LandStress-model) are available which cover all three coupling modes (activation-time\ \ based ECC, weak calcium-driven ECC and strong calcium-driven ECC). The differences\ \ between coupling modes are illustrated in <code class=\"interpreted-text\" role=\"\ numref\">fig-ECC-physiology.
\n<h2 id=\"experimental-setup\">Experimental\ \ setup\n\n<h2 id=\"input-parameters\"\Input parameters\n
To run the examples of this tutorial do
\n<div class=\"\ sourceCode\" id=\"cb1\"><pre class=\"sourceCode bash\"><code class=\"sourceCode\ \ bash\"><span id=\"cb1-1\"><a href=\"#cb1-1\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><span class=\"\ bu\">cd <span class=\"va\">${TUTORIALS}/04_EM<span class=\"op\">>_tissue/04_EM_coupling\n\To inquire the exposed experimental input parameters run