Instationary Pressure Drop Simulation
\n\n<div id=\"hagenpouseille\"\
This example demonstrates a simple application for fluid dynamics in a straight\ \ cylindrical pipe.
\n\n<h2 id=\"law-of-hagen-poiseuille\">Law\ \ of Hagen-Poiseuille\nThe <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagen\u2013\ Poiseuille_equation\">law of Hagen-Poiseuille is a physical law that gives the\ \ pressure drop <span class=\"math inline\">\(\Delta p\) for an incompressible\ \ Newtonian fluid in the laminar regime flowing through a long cylindrical pipe\ \ of constant cross section. This geometric setup is depicted in figure <code class=\"\ interpreted-text\" role=\"numref\">fig-pouseille-setup.
\n<div id=\"fig-pouseille-setup\"\ \n\n\nThe law states that
\n<span class=\"\ math display\">\[\Delta p = \frac{8\mu LQ}{\pi R^4}\]
- \\(\\Delta p\\) is the pressure drop\ \ (in Pascal)
\n- \\(L\\) is the length\ \ of the pipe (in meter)
\n- \\(\\mu\\)\ \ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (in Pascal seconds)
\n- \\(Q\\) is the volumetric flow rate (in cubic meter per seconds)
\n\- \\(R\\) is the pipe radius (in meter)