First Run

With the installation complete, you should be able to cd to a test directory and run examples there with the scripts. Run with:




Add the --help or -h option to see a list of command line options and inputs defined for this specific experiment. The options shown by --help consist of four distinct sections, optional arguments, execution options and experimental input arguments, output arguments and debugging and profiling options.

usage: [-h] [--np NP] [--tpp TPP] [--runtime HH:MM:SS]
                 [--build {CPU,GPU}]
                 [--flavor {petsc,boomeramg,parasails,pt,direct}]
                 [--platform {desktop,archer,archer_intel,archer_camel,curie,medtronic,mephisto,smuc_f,smuc_t,smuc_i,vsc2,vsc3,wopr}]
                 [--queue QUEUE] [--vectorized-fe VECTORIZED_FE] [--dry-run]
                 [--CARP-opts CARP_OPTS] [--gdb [PROC [PROC ...]]]
                 [--ddd [PROC [PROC ...]]] [--ddt] [--valgrind [OUTFILE]]
                 [--valgrind-options [OPT=VAL [OPT=VAL ...]]] [--map]
                 [--scalasca] [--ID ID] [--suffix SUFFIX]
                 [--overwrite-behaviour {prompt,overwrite,delete,error}]
                 [--silent] [--visualize] [--mech-element {P1-P1,P1-P0}]
                 [--postprocess {phie,optic,activation,axial,filament,efield,mechanics} 
                 [{phie,optic,activation,axial,filament,efield,mechanics} ...]]
                 [--tend TEND] [--clean]

optional arguments:

     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     --CARP-opts CARP_OPTS
                           arbitrary CARP options to append to command
     --mech-element {P1-P1,P1-P0}
                           CARP default mechanics finite element (default: P1-P0)
     --postprocess {phie,optic,activation,axial,filament,efield,mechanics} [{phie,optic,activation,axial,filament,efield,mechanics} ...]
                           postprocessing mode(s) to execute
     --tend TEND           Duration of simulation (ms)
     --clean               clean generated output files and directories

execution options:

     --np NP               number of processes
     --tpp TPP             threads per process
     --runtime HH:MM:SS    max job runtime
     --build {CPU,GPU}     CARP build to use (default: CPU)
     --flavor {petsc,boomeramg,parasails,pt,direct}
                           CARP flavor
     --platform {desktop,archer,archer_intel,archer_camel,curie,medtronic,mephisto,smuc_f,smuc_t,smuc_i,vsc2,vsc3,wopr}
                           pick a hardware profile from available platforms
     --queue QUEUE         select a queue to submit job to (batch systems only)
     --vectorized-fe VECTORIZED_FE
                           vectorized FE assembly (default: on with FEMLIB_CUDA,
                           off otherwise)
     --dry-run             show command line without running the test

debugging and profiling:

     --gdb [PROC [PROC ...]]
                           start (optionally specified) processes in gdb
     --ddd [PROC [PROC ...]]
                           start (optionally specified) processes in ddd
     --ddt                 start in Allinea ddt debugger
     --valgrind [OUTFILE]  start in valgrind mode, use in conjunction with --gdb
                           for interactive mode
     --valgrind-options [OPT=VAL [OPT=VAL ...]]
                           specify valgrind CLI options, without preceding '--'
                           (default: leak-check=full track-origins=yes)
     --map                 start using Allinea map profiler
     --scalasca            start in scalasca profiling mode

output options:

     --ID ID               manually specify the job ID (output directory)
     --suffix SUFFIX       add a suffix to the job ID (output directory)
     --overwrite-behaviour {prompt,overwrite,delete,error}
                           behaviour when output directory already exists
     --silent              toggle silent output
     --visualize           toggle test results visualisation

To understand how the command line of individual experiments is built it may be insightful to inspect the command line assembled and executed by the script. This is achieved by launching the run script with an additional --dry option. For instance, running a simple experiment like

./ --visualize --dry

yields the following output (marked up with additional explanatory comments)

                   Launching CARP Simulation 2017-06-13_simple_20.0_pt_np8

   # pick launcher, core number and executable
   mpiexec -n 8 /home/plank/src/carp-dcse-pt/bin/ \
   # feed in static parameter sets compiled in the par-file
     +F simple.par \
   # provide petsc and pt solver settings for elliptic/parabolic PDE, mechanics PDE and 
   # Purkinje system 
     +F /home/plank/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_ell_amg \
     +F /home/plank/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_para_amg \
     +F /home/plank/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_mech_amg \
     -ellip_options_file /home/plank/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_ell_amg \
     -parab_options_file /home/plank/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_para_amg \
     -purk_options_file /home/plank/src/carputils/carputils/resources/petsc_options/pastix_opts \
     -mechanics_options_file /home/plank/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_mech_amg \
   # pick numerical settings, toggle between pt or petsc, Purkinje always uses petsc
     -ellip_use_pt 1 \
     -parab_use_pt 1 \
     -purk_use_pt 0 \
     -mech_use_pt 1 \
   # simulation ID is the name of the output directory  
     -simID 2017-06-13_simple_20.0_pt_np1 \
   # pick the mesh we use and define simulation duration  
     -meshname meshes/2016-02-20_aTlJAwvpWB/block \
     -tend 20.0 \
   # define electrical stimulus  
     -stimulus[0].x0 450.0 \
     -stimulus[0].xd 100.0 \
     -stimulus[0].y0 -300.0 \
     -stimulus[0].yd 600.0 \
     -stimulus[0].z0 -300.0 \
     -stimulus[0].zd 600.0 \
   # some extra output needed for visualization purposes  
     -gridout_i 3 \
     -gridout_e 3

                                        Launching Meshalyzer

   /home/plank/src/meshalyzer/meshalyzer 2017-06-13_simple_20.0_pt_np1/block_i \
                                         2017-06-13_simple_20.0_pt_np1/vm.igb.gz simple.mshz

It is always possible to change general global settings such as the solvers to be used or the target computing platform for which the command line is being assembled.

For instance, switching from the default flavor pt set in settings.yaml to flavor petsc is achieved by

./ --visualize --flavor petsc --dry

Compared to above, the numerical settings selection has changed

     # whenever possible, we use petsc solvers now
     -ellip_use_pt 0 \
     -parab_use_pt 0 \
     -purk_use_pt 0 \
     -mech_use_pt 0 \

Setting a different default platform in the settings.yaml file or at the command line through the --platform input parameter changes launcher and command line, also generating a submission script if run on a cluster. For instance, we can easily generate a submission script for the UK national supercomputer ARCHER by adding the appropriate platform string

   ./ --np 532 --platform archer --runtime 00:30:00 --dry

which writes a submission script and, without the --dry option, would directly submit to the queuing system

   Requested mesh already exists, skipping generation.
                                   Batch Job Submission

   qsub 2017-06-14_simple_20.0_pt_np528.pbs

with the generated submission script

   #!/bin/bash --login
   #PBS -N 2017-06-14_simp
   #PBS -l select=22
   #PBS -l walltime=00:30:00
   #PBS -A e348

   # Make sure any symbolic links are resolved to absolute path
   export PBS_O_WORKDIR=$(readlink -f $PBS_O_WORKDIR)

   # Change to the directory that the job was submitted from
   # (remember this should be on the /work filesystem)

   # Set the number of threads to 1
   #   This prevents any system libraries from automatically
   #   using threading.
   export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1

   # Summary

   # Run script executed with options:
   # --np 528 --platform archer --runtime 00:30:00 --dry

   # Execute Simulation

   mkdir -p 2017-06-14_simple_20.0_pt_np528

   aprun -n 528 /compute/src/carp-dcse-pt/bin/ \
     +F simple.par \
     +F /compute/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_ell_amg_large \
     +F /compute/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_para_amg_large \
     +F /compute/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_mech_amg_large \
     -ellip_use_pt 1 \
     -parab_use_pt 1 \
     -purk_use_pt 0 \
     -mech_use_pt 1 \
     -ellip_options_file /compute/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_ell_amg_large \
     -parab_options_file /compute/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_para_amg_large \
     -purk_options_file /compute/src/carputils/carputils/resources/petsc_options/pastix_opts \
     -mechanics_options_file /compute/src/carputils/carputils/resources/options/pt_mech_amg_large \
     -vectorized_fe 0 \
     -mech_finite_element 0 \
     -simID 2017-06-14_simple_20.0_pt_np528 \
     -meshname meshes/2015-12-04_qdHibkmous/block \
     -tend 20.0 \
     -stimulus[0].x0 450.0 \
     -stimulus[0].xd 100.0 \
     -stimulus[0].y0 -300.0 \
     -stimulus[0].yd 600.0 \
     -stimulus[0].z0 -300.0 \
     -stimulus[0].zd 600.0

Running A Simulation In "carputils mode" Writing Examples