Model Component Classes

The :mod:carputils.model subpackage provides an array of Python classes for the set of CARP simulations in an object-oriented manner. Instead of manually generating long lists of command line options such as:

    opts = ['-num_imp_regions',        1,
            '-imp_region[0].im',       'TT2',
            '-imp_region[0].num_IDs',  2,
            '-imp_region[0].ID[0]',    1,
            '-imp_region[0].ID[1]',    2,
            '-imp_region[0].im_param', 'GNa=14']

you can represent the model component with a class instance:

    from carputils.model.ionic import TT2IonicModel
    imp = TT2IonicModel([1, 2], GNa=14)

and generate the option list with a single function call:

    from carputils.model import optionlist
    opts = optionlist([imp])

Any number of model components of different types can be generated in a single :func:optionlist() call, providing flexibility of use in run script logic:

    from carputils import model

    imp = [model.ionic.TT2IonicModel([1, 2]),
           model.ionic.TT2IonicModel([3, 4], GNa=14)]
    cond = [model.ConductivityRegion([1, 2], g_it=1.5)]

    opts = model.optionlist(imp + cond)

Classes check that the parameters passed to them are valid, ensuring that any mistakes due to typographical errors etc. are caught before execution of the CARP executable.

Detail on the usage of the various model class types is given below.

Conductivity Regions

Conductivity regions, defined by the class :class:carputils.model.ConductivityRegion, or its alias :class:carputils.model.GRegion, take a list of material IDs, an optional name for the region, and the intra- and extracellular conductivity for the tissue. See the :class:class documentation (carputils.model.ConductivityRegion) for the specific parameter names. See also the classmethods for easy definition of passive and isotropic conductivity regions.


    from carputils import model
    # Tags 1 and 2, default conductivities
    cr1 = model.ConductivityRegion([1, 2], 'myo')
    # Tag 3, increased intracellular longitudinal conductivity
    cr2 = model.ConductivityRegion([3], 'fast', g_il=0.2)
    # Tag 4, isotropic conductivity
    cr3 = model.ConductivityRegion.isotropic([4], 'iso', cond=0.1)

Eikonal Regions

Eikonal regions are defined by the class :class:carputils.model.EikonalRegion or its alias :class:carputils.model.EkRegion. Unlike other classes, it accepts only a single ID, which is actually the index of an existing conductivity region. Like conductivity regions, it also has :meth:~carputils.model.EikonalRegion.isotropic and :meth:~carputils.model.EikonalRegion.passive class method alternate constructors.


    from carputils import model
    # Conductivity region 0, default conduction velocity
    ek1 = model.EikonalRegion(0, 'myo')
    # Conductivity region 2, isotropic conduction velocity
    ek2 = model.EikonalRegion.isotropic(2, 'iso', vel=0.3)

Electrical Stimuli

The class :class:carputils.model.Stimulus defines a model stimulus. The user is expected to provide the relevant keyword arguments when using the class directly, for example to define a stimulus with 'somefile' as the vertex file:

    from carputils import model
    stim = model.Stimulus('pacing', vtk_file='somefile')

The keyword arguments (like vtk_file above) correspond with the fields of the CARP command line structure (-stimulus[0].vtk_file in this case).

Additional class methods exist for conveniently setting up a 'forced foot' stimulus, whereby the activation times from an Eikonal simulation are used to drive a reaction-Eikonal simulation of electrophysiology. See the :class:class documentation (carputils.model.Stimulus) for more information.

Ionic Models

Like the conductivity regions, ionic models also take IDs and name arguments, however each different model takes its own set of optional parameters. The different available models, their allowed arguments and their default parameters can be found in the documentation of the mod:carputils.model.ionic module.


    from carputils import model
    imp = model.ionic.TT2IonicModel([1, 2], 'myo', GNa=14)

Active Tension Models

The active tension models are a special case in that they are not models in their own right, but are actually plugins to the ionic models. Active tension models, which only take the model parameters as command line arguments, are assigned to an existing ionic model using its set_stress method:

    from carputils import model
    # Create an ionic model
    imp = model.ionic.TT2IonicModel([1])
    # Create an active tension model
    act = model.activetension.TanhStress(Tpeak=150)
    # Assign the active tension model to the ionic model

Available active tension models and their allowed parameters can be found in :mod:carputils.model.activetension.

Mechanics Material Models

Like ionic models, mechanics material models take IDs, name and model parameters as their arguments. Available models and their allowed parameters are detailed in :mod:carputils.model.mechanics.


    from carputils import model
    mat = model.mechanics.NeoHookeanMaterial([1, 2], c=50)

Mesh Generation Running A Simulation in "plain mode"