
Pacing Protocols

Author: Karli Gillette karli.gillette@gmail.com


Experimental Setup

The geometry and the electrodes are defined as follows:

A tetrahedral FE slab model with dimensions 30.0mm x 30.0mm x 1.0mm is generated within mesher.


To navigate to this tutorial

cd ${TUTORIALS}/02_EP_tissue/17_bidm_pacing

To initiate the tutorial by making tissue refractory, first run

./run.py --visualize 

Different pacing protocols can then be applied at 300 seconds into the simulation using both cathodal and anodal stimulation using the--pacing_type option:

Initiate an activation using a cathodal stimulus :

./run.py --visualize --pacing_type cathode_make

Initiate an activation using a cathodal stimulus :

./run.py --visualize --pacing_type anode_make

Initiate an activation using a cathodal stimulus :

./run.py --visualize --pacing_type cathode_break

Initiate an activation using a cathodal stimulus :

./run.py --visualize --pacing_type anode_break


  • The make_refractory pacing_type must be ran before the different pacing protocols can be applied.


16_bidm_dogbone 18_tdr